Thursday, June 23, 2005

Posts are in the ground

Originally uploaded by gene_poole.
So far the hardest part physically has been digging the holes. That took most of a day. Tuesday we dug almost all of them and got the posts braced up straight and concrete poured for all of them along one side and the front. Yesterday we poured the last side, dug the last few posts, and strung fencing for about half of it. Putting the wire was relatively easy work and rewarding as it went quickly. Next comes hanging the bracing and building the gates.

5 comment(s):

  • I bet you were wishing for an augur!
    Looks good, you guys.

    By Blogger Beth, at 6/23/2005 11:36:00 AM  

  • dude! as beth said we fully told you to get. the. auger.

    where's brit? do i need to talk to her?

    it looks good though!

    By Blogger merideth, at 6/23/2005 12:24:00 PM  

  • Oh Ich bin augering... The old hand auger we borrowed from my grandpa did the trick quite nicely. It has two cutting blades and two furrows that channel the dirt into about a foot long cylinder - much easier that the standard tweezer style post hole diggers.

    By Blogger Scott in Washington, at 6/23/2005 02:49:00 PM  

  • brit is on the east coast...she totally would have gone for the auger

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/23/2005 06:47:00 PM  

  • I love renting power tools. Thats fo sho. I also like free family labor (thanks again Steve!).

    Brits away, Scott will play (ie; rent power equipment. On tap for this weekend: a big old drum sander for the upstairs and possibly a ditch digger if I get really motivated.

    By Blogger Scott in Washington, at 6/23/2005 07:10:00 PM  

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