I live in a small town in Washington State, USA, with my wife, two sons, two dogs, a cat, and family nearby. I work at the local community college as an I.T. Specialist.
In March of '02, we bought a 70-some year old house that needed a lot of work. When I'm not working on the house, I like to throw pots, be outside, and read a lot.
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
I'd like to give a shout out to houseblogs.net. Check 'em out for some great posts about house blogging in general and links to some great house blogs.
Yah, our agent thought he could get us a better contract, so I kept yelling SHOW ME THE MONEY at him and eventually he broke down and cried so we caved in and joined up.
3 comment(s):
I'm glad you're finally ON houseblogs. What took you so long? What were you holding out for? More money?
By Kasmira, at 4/28/2005 11:57:00 AM
By Scott in Washington, at 4/28/2005 03:35:00 PM
By Anonymous, at 4/29/2005 03:56:00 PM
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