Wednesday, February 23, 2005

If you find me wandering in the park with a coffee pot in my hand, call my wife to come get me.

I’d like to think that human beings aren’t that smart, and that the only reason we’ve been able to build freeway systems, get to the point where only 2% of the population is employed in producing food, developed remote control toilets, etc. is that we are smarter than, say, a pair of pants but not by much, and that something or somebody smarter than us will soon take the reigns and start making decisions that make more sense, but I think the sad truth is that there is something lacking in me. That last sentence has 92 words, by the way.

I have an assigned parking space behind the building (space 75), but when opportunity presents itself, as it did yesterday after lunch, I will park on the street by the front door to the building. When I went to leave last night after work, I looked out at the street, saw my car with the little blue reserved lot tag dangling from the rear view mirror, and though, “Huh, someone else who works here has a car just like mine.” Then I walked around the back of the building and stared at my empty spot. This morning after calling my wife to tell her I’d left my lunch sitting on the kitchen counter and could she please put it back in the fridge, I pulled into the same spot at the curb and got out of my car at 7:48 AM. I went inside, unlocked my office, threw my keys on the desk, grabbed the coffee pot and went outside to dump the coffee on the rhododendrons. Then I sat in my car with only NPR and an empty coffee pot for companionship for the next ten minutes until my coworkers showed up. I’m glad they had a nice laugh, but I’m kind of concerned. This is how it starts.

7 comment(s):

  • Oh dear...have you been taking your medicine?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2/23/2005 09:18:00 AM  

  • Oh and I thought that I had a day, I go with the question, have you been taking your meds, OR is that the problem you need some. This I would have loved to see, coming from the same person that did not know if his meetings were at 1200, 1300 or 1500, plus giving faculty a 280 page book to read one hour prior to class. So what did you have to ponder while sitting in your car waiting for staff to open the door for you ? Was it am I part of the 2% or the other 98%, this was the perfect time to people watch!

    For others now the day was not without action filled events..bedpans, injections and the word oops afterwards...not words for nursing right......some studnets with some very good questions and then there are the ones that make you wonder why on earth do we continue to teach and then we get up the next day and go at it again for the love of watching that light turn on and see them get it.

    I would take the time to teach you all how to leash train a kitty, and yes I walk our cat often outside on a leash, she is a by product of a college studnet and she loves her leash. Things you must beware of before walking the cat, DOGS and TREES...I have found you cannot pull down a cat out of a tree by a leash, their head slips out and then you have to sit and wait...

    Word of wisdom...right now none..I am still laughing to hard...

    P.S. I refuse to be a is a mission to remain anonymous, under the is just safer that way...take care and hey as I drive in I will check to see that your not locked in your car....jl

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/23/2005 08:19:00 PM  

  • That's a good one. Kind of reminds me of Rick Moranis in Ghostbusters (ya, so come by later, we are going to play some twister). It also reminds me of a story a guy I know told me once. He worked about a half mile from where he lived. One morning he drove to work and when he got off work it was sunny and nice. He decided to walk home and save the gas while enjoying the day. The next morning he came out to get in his car and go to work only to discover it wasn't there. According to him he had already stomped around swearing obscenities and waking up his neighbors for 5 minutes, and had hit 9 and 1 on his phone before he remembered walking home the day before.

    Personally I always carry a spare car key in my wallet becuase of the half a dozen times I've locked my keys in my car. I figure that after a few times of doing the same dumb thing and trying to modify the faulty part of my brain that causes that problem without sucess I should probably just do something else to make that defect liveable.

    Don't worry about it. Everybody does it.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/26/2005 05:43:00 PM  

  • He drove when he lives a half mile from work?! E-gad!

    By Blogger Unknown, at 2/26/2005 07:33:00 PM  

  • I once watched the same guy eat 14 pieces of bacon at one sitting. No kidding. He isn't what you might call 'athletic'.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/28/2005 07:52:00 PM  

  • I once watched the same guy eat 14 pieces of bacon at one sitting. No kidding. He isn't what you might call 'athletic'.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/28/2005 07:52:00 PM  

  • But who can turn down bacon? I's bacon! Mmmm. I've been vegetarian twice in my life for any decent period of time. What has broken my vigil everytime? Bacon.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3/01/2005 10:27:00 AM  

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