Tuesday, April 05, 2005

All Quiet on the Western Front

Well it's a quiet night on Clark Creek. Scott woke up early this morning to find himself fallen prey to the sickness that plagued The Buddy last week and Me this weekend. Poor Scott-O.

Its rather strange, I've had a quiet night of quilting, blogging and watching movies. But lets get down to the meat of the matter.

I can't post to my own site any logger due to technical issues beyond my capabilities. Big Thanks to Ann the Magnificent (not her real name)for helping me out. So I've moved Running Stitch to a new URL http://www.turtledash.net/wordpress adjust your bookmarks accordingly.

It is important that my many adoring fans, still find me.

Maybe I do still have a touch of the fever!

4 comment(s):

  • Today I've had it forcefully brought back to me that, past a certain point, all complex lifeforms are essentially tubes. Usually the food, gases, and fluids go in one end of the tube and most of it passes out the other end of the tube as waste. Sometimes, though, this natural order is reversed and somethings both ends function as vents simultaneously. Ain't biology a kick?


    By Blogger Scott in Washington, at 4/05/2005 08:21:00 PM  

  • ooooooooohhhhhhhhh.....my.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/08/2005 04:44:00 PM  

  • Then you read about some simpler animals who eat and shit out of the same end. Some moluscs...Now that's problematic.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 4/18/2005 06:53:00 PM  

  • Yes, I suppose I should be more specific in my terminology. When I said complex, I wasn't referring to an order agreed upon by biologists the world over. As I was using the word, I guess complex would include only animals or species capable of possibly wresting domination of the planet from humanity (the obvious apex of evolution up 'till now, right). This definition excludes things like parmeciums and business majors. I just don't hear much ring in, "All hail the Mollusk King!" It could happen I guess - maybe the ability to undulate across a straight razor's edge will become the crucial trait allowing for evolutionary success.

    By Blogger Scott in Washington, at 4/18/2005 07:50:00 PM  

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