Detail of floor tile. We used a tile saw to cut the backs off of basalt skipping stones we found at the beach so they would all rise to a uniform height from the floor and used them as as a tile border. The tortoise peices were cut with the same saw. Obviously this photo was taken before grouting.
Frog Tile From Trip to Loreto, Mexico
Detail of wall tile in shower stall. The how to books will tell you how important it is to wipe all the grout scum off the surface of your tiles when it is still damp. That is very very important. Its so much easier to get off then than later. We used sponges to get everything more or less cleaned up and then came back with paper towel to clean the surface of each individual tile. If I ever lay Saltillo in the basement like I want to, I'm going to seal the surface of the tiles with several coats before I grout.
Tiling Project in The Master Bath
07/15/2002The first major project we did, after buying the house was the master bath. Doing the tiling work was a lot of fun and educational to boot.