Friday, April 29, 2005

JM explains her technique: "Just make sure that the side of the level lines up with the center of the protractor! Here...I edited the drawing so it's a little more clear....Or you could use a plumb bob from that point!"

I'll be sure to try both ways soon. I'm betting there is a five dollar purchase in my near future.


[Edited Sunday, May 1st, 8:14 PM] When I said I'd try it both ways soon, I meant exactly that. This morning I woke up after having been dreaming about trying the protractor/plumb bob method. Rather than doing it for real, I ran out into the yard and played all day.

2 comment(s):

  • I'd spring for the $5. But isn't it nice to know that geometry class wasn't a total waste of time? :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/30/2005 06:54:00 AM  

  • Yep! I will probably pick one up today when I'm in town, but when I get to doing the actual cutting, I'll probably give the protractor method a try too, just for kicks. Math? Fun? I guess so... how'd that happen?

    By Blogger Scott in Washington, at 4/30/2005 08:53:00 AM  

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