A Room of Moos' own
A feeling of completion falls across Clark Creek as we settle back in the disgusting dampness of the Pacific Northwest on our 44th day of rain. And it is gross. We packed off the kid to his Grandparents today and went to down on the now completed (except for the molding which is bought but not painted and soon to be in place) little boy room.
All of his clothes, and toys are now in his room!! More room in my dresser for my clothes (yeah not, we already filled it up with the new baby clothes)
Moo's collection of cows
the door organizer that we hope keeps him busy at night
Please Sir, Might I go to school instead of sanding the floor again?
"Back to work kid!"
It is a little known fact that most of the Clark Creek House projects are in fact accomplished by blatant flaunting of child labor laws and international law.
Two Coats Wet
The first upstairs bedroom is getting dangerously close to complete. Yesterday, Cousin Steve and I ran a rented drum sander in there and then put down the first clear coat. I lightly sanded and tacked that this morning and put down a second coat (seen wet here). After a third coat, I hope its ready for Mop and Glo or some floor wax and a good buffing. After that I move onto some molding for the floor edges and then.... Finito!
Two Coats Wet II
I set my alarm for an hour early tomorrow so I can get up there and put a third coat down before I go to work.
Lots more to do...
The bunk room obviously still has a long way to go.
Despite the lingering head cold, I decided to brave the upstair and spent two hours sanding the floor in the second of the two project rooms. This coming weekend Super Steve has proposed that he come down and help me knock that project out for good. That will be nice.
Yesterday was mostly about recovering from a nasty chest and head cold. It never seems to fail. My extended relatives make me sick at Christmas (literally) and then I have the second busiest week of the year as everybody comes back for winter quarter.
At any rate, even though I never really made it out of the PJs I decided I needed at least one project for the day that would be more meaningful and lasting than doing the dishes. I decided to spiff up the woodstove, which while doing admirable duty in keeping us at a toasty and uniform 68 degrees F. was looking decidedly shabby.
I threw out two of the three fire pokers we had accumulated. Who needs three hot pokers? Has a three headed fire hydra ever menaced us from within the firebox? I can see the headlines, though if we had kept these three dangerous objects in the house (man runs amok with three fire pokers). I generally wiped down and spruced up. Lastly I applied vinegar and scrubby pads to the two copper boilers we use for storing firewood. My parents have had one of them since before me. I got the other one off Ebay a couple of years ago when we put the stove in. I've been meaning to give them a good scrubbing since and yesterday was their day. In spite of that, I only gave them a partially good scrubbing. Completely pink copper will have to wait for another day to really shine.
Note for any of you guys out there who might be looking for a great way to ingratiate yourself with your spouse; spend 45 minutes flicking green verdigris laden vinegar all around the kitchen with a scrubby pad while the copper boilers make really loud and annoying pop can crinkling noises. Then get yourself an electric drill with a brush bit attached and head back to the kitchen. She'll love it!